North Vs South Facing Rooms 

Proud Paints expert help and advice interior decorating of north facing and south facing interior rooms painting your homes interior rooms choosing paint colours from Proud Paints confident colour collection will bring your home to life

What is a north facing room?

North-facing rooms are typically a little brighter in the morning and receive less light for the rest of the day as the sunlight travels around your home to the southwest, by using open bright colours you can make this room look and feel brighter. Light blues, greys, off-whites with yellow tones can really open up and brighten your living space.

What is a south facing room?

South facing rooms are brighter due to the sun facing during it’s peak times, if you have a south-facing room you can work with darker bolder paint colours as these will not make the room feel small and dark. Using deeper greens, reds, blues, work well, and will help you enjoy your living space, likes it’s been designed by a professional interior designer.

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